I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with Family and Friends and now ready for another exciting year of papercrafting!!! I certainly am and can't wait for the start of the new Occasions Catalogue which goes live here in Australia on Tuesday 6 January! So that is just 4 more big sleeps!!! Woohoo!!
Once again I am loving the new ideas coming in this latest Catalogue cause as a demonstrator I get to see the new goodies a few weeks before the launch and even get to play with a few of them :):) One of the many perks of being a Demonstrator for a Company that really looks after its representatives.
If you are wanting to get out of the "Normal Work" rat race and looking to make a business for yourself, OR you just want to get all your papercrafting supplies as a hobbyist at a discount I can answer all your questions and help you join my fun team. Just email me here
I can show you the cover of the new Occasions Catalogue and I am sure you will agree this beautiful flower bouquet is just stunning!!! Yep all made out of paper!! When I saw this I just had to make one up to show everyone and look at it each day in my craft room. It really makes me feel happy.
Here is my progress so far and I only have the Chrysanthemums left to finish. It is not a project you can do in a short time. I have been working on mine over the last few days off and on. Folding and winding and stamping while watching TV and hot gluing in between. After I have finished I will share a few little helpful hints with you all which I hope makes it a little easier when you put yours together. It is a great bunch of flowers to have in your vase at home if you have a flower allergy. No sneezing with this lot :):)
A little sneak peek at one of the free stamp sets available in the upcoming sale-a-bration brochure also. It is a set called "Best Day Ever" and great for those little thank yous and has a multitude of uses. I am going to start my 2015 off by handing out these little thank you notes to all those people who serve me with a smile or help out in any way. I don't think there is enough recognition for good service these days. Lots of complaints and negative comments but not enough "thank yous" so this will be my little bit to brighten up the world :):)
You can get this stamp set free too. For every order of $90.00 you can choose a free item in the Sale-a-bration brochure. Spend $180.00 and choose 2 products. I am sure if you are like me you will want every item in this brochure :):)
Happy wish list making and Happy New Year!!
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